James Dennison

Part-time Professor
  • Phone: +39 055 4685 885
  • James Dennison is part-time Professor at the Migration Policy Centre of the European University Institute, where he works on the the Observatory of Public Attitudes to Migration (OPAM) – the first observatory to collect and produce comprehensive, international data on public attitudes toward migration. His research interests include political attitudes, psychology and behaviour, the politics of migration and research methods. His work primarily covers Europe as well as the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. James Dennison has published in numerous international academic journals, such as Political Psychology, West European Politics, the Journal of European Public Policy, European Union Politics, Party Politics, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Social Science Research, the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Comparative Migration Studies, the International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Political Quarterly, Parliamentary Affairs, Political Studies Review, the Journal of North African Studies, and Mediterranean Politics. He is also the author of The Greens in British Politics (Palgrave, 2016). He has held positions at Harvard University, the University of Oxford, the University of Stockholm, Universidad de Carlos III, and the University of Sheffield, where he taught quantitative methods. He received his PhD in Social and Political Sciences from the EUI in 2017. He regularly teaches and advises European and international organisations, NGOs, and governments on the politics, migration, research methods and impact assessment.

    Research topics: Attitudinal formation, social scientific methods, political behaviour
    Geographic areas: Europe, Far East, Arab world
    ORCID ID: orcid.org/0000-0003-3090-7124

  • Dennison, J. (2016). The Greens in British Politics: Protest, Anti-Austerity and the Divided Left. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

  • Refereed journal articles
  • Dennison, J. and Turnbull-Dugarte, S.J. (2022), Populist Attitudes and Threat Perceptions of Global Transformations and Governance: Experimental Evidence from India and the United Kingdom. Political Psychology.
  • Dennison, J. (2021) Narratives: a review of concepts, determinants, effects, and uses in migration research. Comparative Migration Studies 9, 50.
  • Dennison, J. and Geddes, A. (2021) ‘Thinking globally about attitudes to migration: concerns about social conflict, economic competition and cultural threat’ in The Political Quarterly
  • Dennison, J., Seddig, D., and Davidov, E. (2021) ‘The role of human values in support for EU membership’ in Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
  • Dennison, J. and Geddes, A. (2021) ‘The centre no longer holds: the Lega, Salvini and the remaking of Italian immigration politics’ in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
  • Dennison, J., Davidov, E., and Seddig, D. (2020) ‘Explaining Voting in the UK’s 2016 EU Referendum: Basic Human Values, Attitudes to Immigration, European Identity and Trust in Politicians’ in Social Science Research
  • Dennison, J. (2020) ‘A basic human values approach to migration policy communication’ in Data and Policy
  • Mendes, M. and Dennison, J. (2020) ‘Explaining the rise of the radical right in Spain and Portugal: Salience, Stigma and Supply’ in West European Politics
  • Dennison, J. (2020) ‘How niche parties react to losing their niche: the cases of the Brexit Party, Change UK and the Greens’ in Parliamentary Affairs
  • Dennison, J. (2020) ‘A proposal for simultaneous reform of the House of Commons and House of Lords’ in The Political Quarterly
  • Dennison, J. and Draege. J. (2020) ‘The dynamics of electoral politics after the Arab Spring: Evidence from Tunisia’ in Journal of North African Studies
  • Dennison, J. (2019, online first) ‘How issue salience explains the rise of the populist right in Western Europe’ in International Journal of Public Opinion Research
  • Dennison, J. (2019, online first) ‘A Review of Public Issue Salience: Concepts, Determinants and Effects on Voting’ in Political Studies Review
  • Dennison, J. and Geddes, A. (2018) ‘A Rising Tide? The Salience of Immigration and the Rise of Anti-Immigration Political Parties in Western Europe’ in The Political Quarterly, 90(1): 107-116
  • Dennison, J., Carl., N. and Evans, G. (2018, online first) ‘European but not European Enough: An Explanation for Brexit’ in European Union Politics
  • Dennison, J. and Geddes, A. (2018). “Brexit and the Perils of Europeanised Immigration”. Journal of European Public Policy 25 (8): 1137-1153
  • Dennison, J. (2018). “The rug pulled from under them: UKIP and the Greens”. Parliamentary Affairs 71 (1): 91–108
  • Dennison, J. & Draege, J. (2017). “Making Sense of the 2016 Italian Constitutional Referendum”. Mediterranean Politics 23(3): 403-409
  • Birch, S. and Dennison, J. (2017). “How Protest Voters Choose”. Party Politics, online first
  • Dennison, J. (2015). “The Other Insurgency? The Greens and the Election”. Parliamentary Affairs, 68 (1): 188-205.
  • Dennison, J. & Goodwin, M. (2015). “Immigration, Issue Ownership and the Rise of UKIP”. Parliamentary Affairs, 68 (1): 168-187.

  • Book chapters
  • Dennison, J. (forthcoming), ‘Why did the UK leave the EU? The state of the science of explaining Brexit’ in, eds. Fossum, J. E. and Lord, C., Handbook of Brexit, Edward Elgar
  • Dennison, J. and Vranceanu, A. (forthcoming), ‘Global attitudes towards migration and mobility: convergence or divergence?’ in, eds. Recchi, E., and Safi, M., Handbook of Human Mobilities and Migrations. Edward Elgar
  • Dennison, J. and Hunger, S. (2021, forthcoming), ‘Cleavage Politics in the 21st century’ in, eds. Vasilopoulou, S., Carter, N., Keith, D, and Sindre, G., The Routledge Handbook of Political Parties.
  • Dennison, J. and Vranceanu, A. (forthcoming), ‘Public Opinion and the Politics of Migration’ in, ed. Scholten, P. Introduction to Migration Studies. Springer
  • Dennison, J. and Geddes, A. (forthcoming), ‘Migration and the Future of Europe’ in, eds, Fifty Years of the Edinburgh Europa Institute. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
  • Dennison, J., Grumbinaitė, I. and Oliver, T. (2018). “Baltic member states: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania”. In Europe’s Brexit, edited by Oliver, T. Newcastle: Agenda.
  • Dennison, J. & Goodwin, M. (2018, forthcoming). “The Radical Right in the United Kingdom”. In The Oxford Handbook of the Radical Right, edotrd by Rydgren, J. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Evans, G., Carl, N. and Dennison, J. (2017). “Brexit: The Causes and Consequences of the UK's decision to leave the EU”. In Europe’s Crises, edited by Castells, M. et al. Chichester: Polity.

  • Policy reports
  • Dennison, J. (2022) Re-thinking the drivers of regular and irregular migration: evidence from the Euro-Mediterranean. ICMPD report.
  • Dennison, J. (2022) Strategic Communication for Migration Policymakers: Lessons from the State of the Science. ICMPD report.
  • Dennison, J. (2021) Migration narratives in the Euro-Mediterranean region: what people believe and why. ICMPD report.
  • Dennison, J. (2020) How to perform impact assessments: Key steps for assessing communication interventions. ICMPD report.
  • Dennison, J. and Geddes, A. (2020). Why COVID-19 does not necessarily mean that attitudes towards immigration will become more negative. IOM report.
  • Dennison, J. (2020) What policy communication works for migration? Using values to depolarise.ICMPD report.
  • Dennison, J. and Nasr, M. (2020) Attitudes to immigration in the Arab-speaking world: Explaining an overlooked anomaly. UN International Organisation for Migration: Migration Research Series
  • Dennison, J. and Nasr, M. (2020) Impact of Public Attitudes to migration on the political environment in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: Southern Partner Countries. ICMPD report.
  • Dennison, J. (2019) Impact of Public Attitudes to migration on the political environment in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: Europe. ICMPD report.
  • Dennison, J. and Dražanová, L. (2018) Attitudes to Immigration in Europe and the Southern Mediterranean, ICMPD report.