Policy Dialogue

policy dialogueAn important part of the Migration Policy Centre (MPC)’s mission within the Robert Schuman Centre is to engage, through high level policy dialogue and executive training programs, with practitioners.

The MPC interacts continuously with EU institutions, national governments and international organisations, providing them with policy advice and fostering dialogue between academics, policy-makers and other stakeholders. It contributes to migration policy and governance issues, while participating, too, in other key global challenges.

The MPC brings together an impressive pool of scholars, experts, policymakers and influential thinkers from around the world.These identify problems, research causes and consequences, and devise sound policy solutions on migration matters. In doing so, the MPC bridges research with action, providing stakeholders with the data, sources, methodologies and the results required for evidence-based policy-making.

The MPC disseminates its findings and research-based policy recommendations through its publications. It participates in policy debates at the EU level, in particular by taking part in hearings at the European Parliament; press conferences at the European Commission (e.g. Joint press conference with Cecilia Malmström, European Commissioner for Home Affairs, in 2014); and in the public and restricted consultations launched by the European Commission (the MPC is a member of DG Home Expert Group on Economic Migration).


The MPC also brings together academics and practitioners in policy-oriented events and executive training sessions.

It holds specific meetings, workshops and seminars with experts and policy-makers within the framework of its projects. It organizes, too, executive training courses tailored to the needs of EU and national civil servants.

In addition, the MPC is a member of the Steering committee of the EUI Forum on Migration, Citizenship and Demography, which provides a framework for looking at migration issues, particularly the mass movements of refugees and migrants. It brings together academics, experts, stakeholders and practitioners in order to explore – and draw practical lessons from – the unique challenges that these movements pose for both Europe and the world.

The MPC participates in the State of the Union conference, which is an annual event for high-level reflection on the European Union (EU), organised by the European University Institute in Florence. It has become, in recent years, an important event in the EU calendar for policy-makers, civil-society representatives, business, opinion leaders and academics.

The MPC works together with EU institutions (e.g. the Representation of the European Commission in Italy – POLITICALLY.EU), international organisations such as the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and private foundations (eg. Bertelsmann Stiftung, Stiftung Mercator) in organizing policy events on migration.