Ettore Recchi

Part-time Professor
Ettore Recchi is part-time professor of the Migration Policy Centre (MPC) as well as Professor of Sociology at Sciences Po Paris (CRIS) and Fellow of the Institut Convergences Migrations. A methodologically versatile scholar, he has published more than 130 journal articles, book chapters, edited volumes and monographs. His papers feature in journals of migration studies (e.g., International Migration Review, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies), sociology (e.g., European Sociological Review, Socius), political science (e.g., West European Politics, Journal of Common Market Studies), demography (e.g., Demographic Research), geography (e.g., Political Geography), global studies (e.g., Global Networks), economics (e.g., World Development), general science (e.g., Nature/Scientific Reports), and data science (e.g., EPJ Data Science). He was awarded the 2020 prize of the American Sociological Association for best international paper in the Global and Transnational Section. His latest book is Everyday Europe: Social Transnationalism in an Unsettled Continent (Policy Press, 2019), a co-authored work on European integration through geographical and virtual mobilities. He has directed several national and international projects on free movement in Europe, transnationalism, migration, and the impact of COVID-19 on social life and mobility.

Recchi’s core research agenda revolves around issues of human mobility, investigating the unique expansion of individuals’ movements in space of our age. He questions the existential, political, sociocultural and environmental ramifications of spatial mobility through micro- and macro-level empirical analyses. At the micro-level, his research delves into the study of the spatiality of individuals’ lifeworlds (or ‘space-sets’). At the macro-level, he leads the Global Mobilities Project at MPC – a project dedicated to collecting, systematizing and analyzing worldwide data on population movements and their underpinning social, economic, and political conditions. Since April 2023, he directs the MPC unit of the MirreM project, a Horizon Europe study of irregular migration and related policies (coordinator: Albert Kraler).

Research topics: mobilities, migration, transnationalism, Europe.
Geographic areas: Europe.

  • Recchi, E., Favell, A., Apaydin, A., Barbulescu, R., Braun, M. Ciornei, I., Cunningham, N., Díez Medrano, J., Duru, D., Hanquinet, L., Jensen, J., Pötzschke, S., Reimer, D., SalamoƄska, J., Savage, M., Varela, A. Everyday Europe: Social Transnationalism in an Unsettled Continent, Policy Press, Bristol, 2019.
  • Recchi, E. Mobile Europe. The Theory and Practice of Free Movement in the EU, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2015 (paperback edition, 2019).
  • Recchi, E. Senza frontiere. La libera circolazione delle persone in Europa, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2013.
  • Recchi, E., Bontempi, M. and Colloca, C. (eds) Metamorfosi sociali. Attori e luoghi del mutamento nel mondo contemporaneo, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, 2013.
  • Recchi, E. and Favell, A. (eds) Pioneers of European Integration: Mobility and Citizenship in the EU, Elgar, Cheltenham, 2009.
  • Recchi, E. Baldoni, E. and Mencarini, L. Un mondo in classe. Multietnicità e socialità nelle scuole medie toscane, Cesvot, Firenze, 2008.
  • Recchi, E. (ed) L’arcobaleno della partecipazione. Immigrati e associazionismo in Toscana, Cesvot, Firenze, 2006.
  • Bettin Lattes, G. and Recchi, E. (eds) Comparing European Societies: Towards a Sociology of the EU, Monduzzi, Bologna, 2005.
  • Recchi, E. Giovani politici, Cedam, Padova, 1997.
  • Preiti, A., Italia, A., Paoli, L. and Recchi, E. Contro e dentro. Criminalità, istituzioni, società, Angeli, Milano, 1992.

  • Refereed journal articles and book chapters
  • Favell, A. and Recchi, E. Everyday Europe and Tomorrow's Europe: Is There a Future for Social Transnationalism? A Response to Readers, “Partecipazione e conflitto: The Open Journal of Sociopolitical Studies”, 2020, 13(1): 883-895.
  • Recchi, E. and Flipo, A. Spatial Mobility in Social Theory, “SocietĂ MutamentoPolitica”, 2019, 10(20): 125-137.
  • Gabrielli, L., Deutschmann, E., Natale, F., Recchi, E. and Vespe, M. Dissecting Global Air Traffic Data to Discern Different Types and Trends of Transnational Human Mobility, “EPJ Data Science”, 2019, 8,
  • Deutschmann, E., Recchi, E. and Bicchi, F. Mobility Hub or Hollow? Cross-border Travelling in the Mediterranean, 1995-2016, “Global Networks”, 2019,
  • Recchi, E. Is Social Transnationalism Fusing European Societies into One? in E. Recchi et alii, Everyday Europe: Social Transnationalism in an Unsettled Continent, Policy Press, Bristol, 2019, 255-289.
  • Favell, A. and Recchi, E., Introduction: Social Transnationalism in an Unsettled Continent, in E. Recchi et alii, Everyday Europe: Social Transnationalism in an Unsettled Continent, Policy Press, Bristol, 2019, 1-33.
  • Salamonska, J. and Recchi, E., The Social Structure of Transnational Practices, in E. Recchi et alii, Everyday Europe: Social Transnationalism in an Unsettled Continent, Policy Press, Bristol, 2019, 61-86.
  • Recchi, E. EuropĂ€ische Gesellschaften: Konvergenzen und Divergenzen, in C. Scholz, P. DörrenbĂ€cher and A. Rennig (eds) Europa jenseits des Konvergenzparadigmas: Divergenze, Dynamik, Diskurs, Nomos, Baden-Baden, 2019, 229-256.
  • Recchi, E. In Francia, in “Il Mulino”, 67, 6, 2018, 124-127.
  • Assirelli, G., Barone, C. and Recchi, E. ‘You Better Move On': Determinants and Labor Market Outcomes of Graduate Migration from Italy, “International Migration Review”, 2019, 53, 1, 4-25.
  • Recchi, E. The Engine of ‘Europeanness'? Free Movement, Social Transnationalism and European Identification, in D. Thym (ed) Questioning EU Citizenship: Judges and the Limits of Free Movement and Solidarity in the EU, Hart, London, 2017, 135-148.
  • Dubucs, H., Pfirsch, T. Recchi, E. and Schmoll, C. Les migrations italiennes dans la France contemporaine: les nouveaux visages d'une mobilitĂ© europĂ©enne historique, “Hommes & Migrations”, 2017, 1317-18, 59-68.
  • Ciornei, I. and Recchi, E. At the Source of European Solidarity: Assessing the Effects of Cross-border Practices and Political Attitudes, “Journal of Common Market Studies”, 2017, 55, 3, 468-485.
  • Recchi, E., Baglioni, L.G., Salamonska, J. and Rossi, T., Cittadini in movimento. Una tipologia induttiva della mobilitĂ  transnazionale in Europa, “Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia”, 2017, 58, 1, 63-98.
  • Dubucs, H., Pfirsch, T., Recchi, E. and Schmoll, C. Je Suis un Italien de Paris: Italian Migrants' Incorporation in a European Capital City, “Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies”, 2017, 43, 4, 578-595.
  • Recchi, E. The Citizenship Gap in European Societies: Conceptualizing, Measuring and Comparing 'Migration Neutrality' across the EU, “International Migration”, 2016, 54, 6, 181-200.
  • Recchi, E. Space, Mobility and Legitimacy, in Thompson, W.R. (ed) Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016:
  • Recchi, E. and Salamonska, J. Bad Times, Good Times to Move? The Changing Landscape of Intra-EU Migration, in H.-J. Trenz, C. Ruzza and V. Guiraudon (eds), Europe's Prolonged Crisis. The Making or the Unmaking of a Political Union, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2015, 124-145.
  • Recchi, E. Les inĂ©galitĂ©s sociales en Europe, in B. Badie and D. Vidal (eds), Un monde d'inĂ©galitĂ©s? L'Ă©tat du monde 2016, La DĂ©couverte, Paris, 2015, 173-179.
  • Recchi, E. Over mollen en bevers: Mobiliteit binnen de EU, denationalisatie en Europese integratie van onderaf, in C. Timmerman, R. Mahieu, F. Levran and D. Vanheule (eds), Intra-Europese Migratie en Mobiliteit: Andere Tijden, Nieuwe Wegen? Leuven University Press, Leuven, 2015, 15-30.
  • Recchi, E. and Salamonska, J. Keeping the European Faith: Collective Identity before and after the Euro-Crisis, “Partecipazione e conflitto. The Open Journal of Sociopolitical Studies”, 2014, 7, 3, 509-531.
  • Recchi, E. Pathways to European Identity Formation: A Tale of Two Models, “Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research”, 2014, 27, 2, 119-133.
  • Recchi, E. and Baglioni, L.G., Migrazioni e disuguaglianze: l'integrazione degli stranieri nelle societĂ  europee, “Sociologia”, 2014, 48, 3, 21-33.
  • Recchi, E. La scommessa dell'integrazione degli immigrati nell'Europa contemporanea: un bilancio comparato, in Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Il governo delle migrazioni oltre la crisi: sfide e risposte, Scienze e Lettere, Roma, 2014, 75-90.
  • Recchi, E. and Raffini, L. Partecipare da migranti o da cittadini? L'attivazione sociale e politica degli europei mobili in Italia, Francia, Spagna e Grecia, ”Mondi migranti”, 2014, 8, 1, 139-163.
  • Recchi, E. and Baglioni, L.G. La classe media va in Europa? Transnazionalismo e stratificazione sociale nell'Unione Europea, “SocietĂ MutamentoPolitica”, 2013, 4, 7, 47-70.
  • Recchi, E. and Kuhn, T. Europeans' Space-Sets and the Political Legitimacy of the EU, in N. Kauppi (ed), A Political Sociology of Transnational Europe, ECPR Press, Colchester, 2013, 191-222.
  • Recchi, E. Orizzonti in allargamento: space-set, mutamento sociale e integrazione europea, in E. Recchi, M. Bontempi e C. Colloca (a cura di) Metamorfosi sociali. Attori e luoghi del mutamento nella societĂ  contemporanea, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, 2013, 327-348.
  • Recchi, E. MobilitĂ , in G. Bettin Lattes and L. Raffini (eds) Manuale di sociologia, CEDAM, Padova, 2011, 535-553.
  • Recchi, E., Baglioni, L.G. and Colloca, C. Veterani e neofiti in un partito nuovo: chi sono e in cosa credono gli attivisti del Partito Democratico in Toscana, in A. Montanari (ed), In libera uscita. La partecipazione politica nell'Italia di inizio millennio, Carocci, Roma, 2011, 163-205.
  • Favell, A. and Recchi, E. Social Mobility and Spatial Mobility, in A. Favell and V. Guiraudon (eds) Sociology of the European Union, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2011, 50-75.
  • Recchi, E. and Triandafyllidou, A. Crossing Over, Heading West and South: Mobility, Citizenship, and Employment in the Enlarged Europe, in G. Menz and A. Caviedes (eds) Labour Migration in Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2010, 127-149.
  • Recchi, E. Gli italiani e l'Europa, in Associazione Italiana di Sociologia Mosaico Italia. Lo stato del Paese agli inizi del XXI secolo, Angeli, Milano, 2010, 45-52.
  • Braun, M. and Recchi, E. Free-Moving Western Europeans: An Empirically Based Portrait, in H. Fassmann, M. Haller and D. Lane (eds) Migration and Mobility in Europe: Trends, Patterns and Control, Elgar, Cheltenham, 2009, 85-101.
  • Recchi, E. and Baldoni, E. MobilitĂ  e migrazioni, in G. Bettin Lattes (ed) Europa: pensieri e parole di sociologia, Monduzzi, Bologna, 2009, 187-205.
  • Braun, M. and Recchi, E. Keine Grenzen, mehr OpportunitĂ€ten? Migration und soziale MobilitĂ€t innerhalb der EU, in P.A. Berger and A. Weiss (eds) Transnationalisierung sozialer Ungleichheit, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden, 2008, 161-183.
  • Recchi, E. Le lezioni di una ricerca pionieristica: dall'immigrazione interna all'immigrazione internazionale in Liguria, in G. Bettin Lattes and P. Turi (eds) La sociologia di Luciano Cavalli, Firenze University Press, 2008, 411-424.
  • Recchi, E. Cross-State Mobility in the EU: Trends, Puzzles and Consequences, “European Societies”, 10, 2, 2008, 197-224.
  • Braun, M. and Recchi, E. Interethnic Partnerships of Western Europeans: Between Preferences and Opportunities, “Revista del Observatorio Europeo de Tendencias Sociales”, 1, 1, 2008, 73-89.
  • Bettin Lattes, G. and Recchi, E. Pan d'un giorno, vin d'un anno: proverbi, morale e alimentazione nella tradizione toscana, in C. Stroppa (ed), Cibo, societĂ  e scienza dell'alimentazione, Aracne, Roma, 2007, 337-352.
  • Recchi, E. Italy: Expansion, Reform, and Social Inequality in Higher Education, in Y. Shavit, R. Arum and A. Gamoran (eds) Stratification in Higher Education: a Comparative Study, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 2007, 400-420.
  • Recchi, E. From Migrants to Movers: Citizenship and Mobility in the European Union, in M. P. Smith and A. Favell (eds) The Human Face of Global Mobility, Transaction Books, New Brunswick, NJ, 2006, 53-77.
  • Recchi, E. Pioneers of Europe's integration from below. Mobility and the emergence of European identity among national and foreign citizens, “Sociologia urbana e rurale”, 79, 2006, 27-35.
  • Recchi, E. Spazi low cost tra Europa e Africa, “Equilibri”, 9, 3, 2005, 515-522.
  • Recchi, E. and Baldoni, E. Partecipata e duale: la politica migratoria dell'Unione Europea, in L. Leonardi and A. Varsori (eds) Lo spazio sociale europeo, Florence University Press, Firenze, 2005, 93-106.
  • Recchi, E. Partecipazione politica, istruzione e disuguaglianze sociali nell'Europa contemporanea, in S. Rogari (ed) Partiti e movimenti politici fra Otto e Novecento, Centro Editoriale Toscano, Firenze, 2004, volume II, 769-784.
  • Recchi, E. and Verzichelli, L. Italy: the Homeland of the Political Class, in J. Borchert and J. Zeiss (eds) The Political Class in Advanced Democracies: A Comparative Handbook, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003, 223-244.
  • Magnier, A. and Recchi, E. La struttura socio-economica della cittĂ  e dei quartieri, in G. Amendola (ed) Una cittĂ  senza paure. Dalle politiche per la sicurezza a quelle per la vivibilitĂ , ComuneNetwork, Firenze, 2003, 59-64.
  • Recchi, E. La expansiĂłn de la educaciĂłn superior y la participaciĂłn polĂ­tica: una paradoja micro-macro, in J. Benedicto and M. L. MorĂĄn (eds) Aprendiendo a ser ciudadanos. Experiencias sociales y construcciĂłn de la ciudadanĂ­a entre los jĂłvenes, Injuve, Madrid, 2003, 141-158.
  • Recchi, E. I valori democratici e le nuove generazioni di Europei, in M. Dumoulin, C. Lombardo and A. Varsori (eds) Governance: an Academic Contribution, European Parliament, Bruxelles, 2002, 53-65.
  • Recchi, E. La questione etnica, in G. Bettin Lattes (ed) Mutamenti in Europa. Lezioni di sociologia, Monduzzi, Bologna, 2002, 197-228.
  • Recchi, E. and Allam, M. L'assimilazione degli immigrati nella societĂ  italiana, in G. Sciortino and A. Colombo (ed) Assimilati ed esclusi: stranieri in Italia, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2002, 119-141.
  • Recchi, E. L'entrĂ©e en politique des jeunes italiens: modèles explicatifs de l'adhesion partisane, “Revue Française de Science Politique”, 51, 1-2, 2001, 155-175.
  • Recchi, E. Une Europe sans racines? La mosaïque des appartenances ethno-territoriales, in A. Muxel and M. Cacouault (eds) Les jeunes d'Europe du Sud et la politique. Une enquête comparative France Italie Espagne, L'Harmattan, Paris, 2001, 133-165.
  • Recchi, E. Disoccupazione, aspettative e valori: i costi culturali dei problemi di inserimento lavorativo dei giovani istruiti, in G. Bettin Lattes (ed) Giovani Jeunes JĂłvenes. Rapporto di ricerca sulle nuove generazioni e la politica nell'Europa del Sud, Firenze University Press, Firenze, 2001, 203-233.
  • Recchi, E. Il legame con il territorio tra sradicamento e bricolage, in G. Bettin Lattes (ed) Giovani Jeunes JĂłvenes. Rapporto di ricerca sulle nuove generazioni e la politica nell'Europa del Sud, Firenze University Press, Firenze, 2001, 535-556.
  • Recchi, E. Appendice metodologica, in G. Bettin Lattes (ed) Giovani Jeunes JĂłvenes. Rapporto di ricerca sulle nuove generazioni e la politica nell'Europa del Sud, Firenze University Press, Firenze, 2001, 585-590.
  • Recchi, E. Il lavoro che verrĂ . Le aspettative degli studenti universitari e delle loro famiglie, in G. Bettin Lattes (ed) La politica acerba. Saggi sull'identitĂ  civica dei giovani, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, 2001, 123-150.
  • Recchi, E. Vecchie e nuove strade per diventare sindaco in Italia, in A. Magnier (ed) Elites e comunitĂ . I poteri locali nella transizione italiana, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, 2001, 89-104.
  • Recchi, E. La vita quotidiana di un sindaco dell'ancien rĂ©gime, in C. Marletti (ed) Politica e societĂ  in Italia, Angeli, Milano, 2000, II vol., 544-561.
  • Recchi, E. Il rischio disoccupazione e i valori politici degli studenti universitari italiani, in G. Bettin (ed) Giovani e democrazia in Europa, Cedam, Padova, 1999, volume II, 727-765.
  • Recchi, E. and Verzichelli, L. Italien: KontinuitĂ€t und DiskontinuitĂ€t politischer Professionalisierung, in J. Borchert (ed) Politik als Beruf. Die politische Klasse in westlichen Demokratien, Leske und Budrich, Opladen, 1999, 255-282.
  • Recchi, E. Politics as Occupational Choice: Youth Self-selection for Party Careers in Italy, “European Sociological Review”, 15, 1, 1999, 107-124.
  • Recchi, E. Le mosche bianche. PerchĂ© i giovani attivisti di partito sono pochi?, “Rivista italiana di scienza politica”, 28, 3, 1998, 515-542.
  • Recchi, E. La formazione della classe politica parlamentare (1992-1996) e il "regime dei partiti": permanenza o cambiamento?, in G. Bettin (ed) Politica e societĂ . Saggi in onore di Luciano Cavalli, Cedam, Padova, 1997, 367-384.
  • Recchi, E. Fishing From the Same Schools: Parliamentary Recruitment and Consociationalism in the First and Second Italian Republics, “West European Politics”, 19, 2, 1996, 340-359.
  • Recchi, E. Primus et solus: il mutamento delle relazioni di ruolo del sindaco italiano, “Sociologia e ricerca sociale”, 17, 51, 1996, 71-92.
  • Recchi, E. La vita associativa, in G. Bettin (ed) La societĂ  degli Europei, Monduzzi, Bologna, 1995, 171-202.
  • Recchi, E. ReciprocitĂ . Un nome per tre concetti, “Stato e mercato”, 39, 1993, 467-500.
  • Recchi, E. Tipi di network politico e tipi di sindaco, in G. Bettin (ed) Classe politica e cittĂ , Cedam, Padova, 1993, 227-253.
  • Recchi, E. Network politico e ordinamento istituzionale prima e dopo la riforma del 1990, in R. Segatori (ed) Istituzioni e potere politico locale, Angeli, Milano, 1992, 131-142.
  • Recchi, E. Il network politico dell'amministratore comunale italiano, “Polis”, 5, 2, 1991, 243-265.

  • Officially archived datasets
  • Recchi, E., Deutschmann, E., Gabrielli, L. and Kholmatova, N. Global Visa Cost Dataset; Global Mobilities Project; Fiesole: Migration Policy Centre (MPC), European University Institute, 2020.
  • Recchi, E., Deutschmann, E. and Vespe, M. Global Transnational Mobility Dataset. Global Mobilities Project and Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography, European Commission Joint Research Centre. Fiesole: Migration Policy Centre (MPC), European University Institute, 2019.
  • Recchi, E. Flipo, A. and ELIPSS team. Mobilités et rapport à l'espace dans le cycle de vie [fichier électronique], Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (FNSP) [producteur], Centre de Données Socio-Politiques (CDSP) [diffuseur], 2016.
  • Recchi, E., Braun, M., Favell, A., Diez-Medrano, J., Hanquinet, L., Sandu, D., Savage, M. The Europeanisation of Everyday Life: Cross-Border Practices and Transnational Identities among EU and Third-Country Citizens (EUCROSS). GESIS Data Archive, Köln. 2015. ZA5911 Data file Version 1.0.0, doi:10.4232/1.12381.
  • Alaminos, A., Recchi, E., Braun, M., Muxel, A., Tambini, D., Santacreu, O. European Internal Movers Social Survey (PIONEUR project). GESIS Data Archive, Köln. 2007. ZA4512 Data file Version 1.0.0, doi:10.4232/1.4512.

  • Working papers, reports, book reviews and other publications
  • Recchi, E. Ferragina, E., Helmeid, E., Pauly, S., Safi, M., Sauger, N. and Schradie, J. Lockdown for All, Hardship for Some. Insights from the First Wave of the CoCo Project, Policy Brief # 1. Paris: OSC/Sciences Po.
  • Recchi, E., Deutschmann, E., Gabrielli, L. and Kholmatova, N. Assessing Visa Costs on a Global Scale. EUI Working Paper RSCAS, 2020/18. Fiesole: European University Institute.
  • Recchi, E., Deutschmann, E. and Chabriel, M. The Global Network of Transnational Mobility, in “N-IUSSP”, October, 2019,
  • Recchi, E., Deutschmann, E. and Vespe, M. Estimating Transnational Human Mobility on a Global Scale. EUI Working Paper RSCAS, 2019/30. Fiesole: European University Institute.
  • Recchi, E. A cosa serve veramente la libera circolazione in Europa? In “Bene comune”, 30 October 2019,
  • Recchi, E. A quoi sert la libre circulation ?, in “Projet”, 369, 2019, 57-62.
  • Recchi, E. Towards a Global Mobilities Database, Explanatory Note, Migration Policy Centre (MPC), European University Institute (EUI), December 2017.
  • Recchi, E. Review of Beauchemin, C., Hamel, C. and Simon, P. (eds) (2015), Trajectoires et Origines. Enquête sur la diversité des populations en France, Ined, Paris, in “Revue Française de Sociologie”, 58, 2, 2017, 310-313.
  • Recchi, E. Review of I. Grabowska (2016), Movers and Stayers: Social Mobility, Migration and Skills, Franfkurt aM, Peter Lang, in "Central and Eastern European Migration Review”, 6, 1, 2017, 120-126.
  • Dubucs, H., Pfirsch, T. Recchi, E. and Schmoll, C., Tra crisi economica ed emancipazione generazionale: Le nuove migrazioni italiane in Francia, in Licata, D. (ed), Rapporto italiani nel mondo 2017, Fondazione Migrantes, Roma, 2017.
  • Assirelli, G., Barone, C. and Recchi, E. Laurea italiana e lavoro all’estero: buoni guadagni e migliori carriere, in “Neodemos”, January 2017.
  • Assirelli, G., Barone, C. and Recchi, E. Prendi la laurea e scappa, in “La Voce”, 13 January 2017,
  • Recchi, E. Barone, C. and Assirelli, G. Graduate Migration out of Italy: Predictors and Pay-Offs,Notes et Documents de l’OSC”, 3/2016.
  • Salamonska, J. and Recchi, E. Europe between Mobility and Sedentarism: Patterns of Cross-Border Practices and their Consequences for European Identification, Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies (RSCAS), EUI, 50/2016.
  • Recchi, E. Review of S. Tusini, Il viaggio immoto: studio sul tempo e i migranti, “Mondi Migranti”, 10, 1, 2016, 203-204.
  • Recchi, E. (ed.) The Europeanisation of Everyday Life: Cross-Border Practices and Transnational Identifications among EU and Third-Country Citizens. Final Report – EUCROSS Project. Social Sciences Open Access Repository, 2014:
  • Recchi, E. and Paolini, F. L’immigrazione e il mismatch istruzione-lavoro nell’Unione Europea, “Quaderni del Circolo Rosselli”, 33, 1, 2013, 47-66.
  • Recchi, E. La libera circolazione e i suoi nemici, “Neodemos”, May 2013,
  • Salamonska, J. Baglioni, L.G. and Recchi, E. Navigating the European Space: Physical and Virtual Forms of Cross-Border Mobility among EU Citizens, EUCROSS Working Paper no. 5, Università di Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, 2013 (downloadable:
  • Recchi, E. L’Europa si allarga, l’Europa si muove, “Neodemos”, February 2012,
  • Recchi, E. (editor) ‘All Citizens Now’: Intra-EU Mobility and Political Participation of British, Germans, Poles and Romanians in Western and Southern Europe, scientific report, European Commission, Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security (Directorate D: Fundamental Rights and Citizenship), 2012 (downloadable:
  • Recchi, E. Transnational Practices and European Identity: From Theoretical to Policy Issues, EUCROSS Working Paper no. 3, Università di Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, 2012 (downloadable:
  • Favell, A., Recchi, E., Kuhn, T., Solgaard Jensen, J. and Klein, J. The Europeanisation of Everyday Life: Cross-Border Practices and Transnational Identifications Among EU and Third-Country Citizens. State of the Art Report, EUCROSS Working Paper no. 1, Università di Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, 2011 (downloadable:
  • Recchi, E. and Pastore, F. I dilemmi della mobilità, “Aspenia”, 45, 2009, 145-152.
  • Baglioni, L.G. and Recchi, E., Giovani, partecipazione e ‘cittadinanza competente’ nell’area fiorentina, “Quaderni del Circolo Rosselli”, 28, 2-3, 2008, 53-66.
  • Recchi, E., Baldoni, E., Francavilla, F., Mencarini, L. Geographic and Job Mobility in the EU, Report for the DG Employment, European Commission, Brussels, 2006.
  • Recchi, E. Migrants and Europeans: An Outline of the Free Movement of Persons in the EU, Academy of Migration Studies (AMID), Working Paper no. 38, Aalborg, 2005.
  • Recchi, E., and Nebe, T.M. Migration and Political Identity in the European Union: Research Issues and Theoretical Premises, PIONEUR Working Paper no. 1, Ciuspo, Firenze, 2003.
  • Recchi, E., Tambini, D., Favell, A., Baldoni, E., Williams, D., Surak, K. Intra-EU Migration: A Socio-Demographic Overview, PIONEUR Working Paper no. 3, Ciuspo, Firenze, 2003.