Scientific Hub

The OPAM Scientific Hub brings together and synthesises findings from the growing body of scientific research in political science on attitudes to immigration. It allows you to explore the evidence that seeks to account for the factors that can influence attitudes to immigration. The Hub draws from all relevant articles published in the top 20 journals (according to Clarivate Analytics and Google Scholar metrics) in political science between 2009-2019. This is a first step. The Hub will develop to include other disciplines to provide a comprehensive overview of scientific work on attitudes to immigration.

The OPAM Scientific Hub identifies and summarizes the effect of more than 120 ‘Indicators’ (individual-level and contextual-level factors) on attitudes to immigration based on evidence provided by the scientific literature to show their success in explaining attitudes. The ‘Indicators’ in the chart show the ‘Success rate’ in affecting general anti-immigration attitudes measured as a negative evaluation of the overall impact of immigration.
By ‘Indicator’ we mean individual and contextual level factors tested in the scientific literature as to their effect on attitudes to immigration.
By ‘Source’ we mean peer-reviewed scientific journal articles where the effect of an indicator has been empirically tested. ‘Success Rate’ is provided by dividing the number of ‘successes’ by the total number of tests of the effect of an indicator. Generally, the higher the success rate, the more confident we are that an indicator has the hypothesized effect on anti-immigration attitudes, in terms of both direction and significance. However, the confidence also increases with the number of times the effect has been tested.
By ‘Success’ we mean whether the indicator’s influence confirms the theoretical assumptions and is statistically significantly related to attitudes to immigration.
By ‘Failure’ we mean the indicator does not show any statistically significant influence on attitudes to immigration.
By ‘Anomaly’ we mean the indicator is significantly related to attitudes to immigration, but in the opposite direction.

Generic Data

  • Total number of journals: 11
  • Total number of articles: 27



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