The many faces of Migrant Smuggling: From a crime to a humanitarian act.

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This event, co-organised by the Migration Policy Centre (MPC) at the European University Institute and CEPS, seeks to foster a dialog on smuggling policy and research. Academics, government, law enforcement and civil society will gather to discuss findings from the March issue of the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science ‘Migrant smuggling as a collective strategy and insurance policy: views from the margins’, a publication co-edited by the MPC, and from a research project ‘Anti-Smuggling Policies and their Intersection with Humanitarian Assistance and Social Trust’ led by Queen Mary University London in cooperation with CEPS and PICUM with the support of UK’s Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).
Venue: Malbeek room, Residence Palace, 155 rue de la Loi – 1040 Brussels, Belgium
Time: 24 April, 9.00 – 12.30

Event video

Introduction | The Many Faces of Migrant Smuggling
Criminalisation of Solidarity with Refugees & Other Migrants | The Many Faces of Migrant Smuggling
Discussants: Criminalisation of Solidarity with Refugees & Other Migrants
Migrant smuggling as a ‘crime’ | The many faces of migrant smuggling
Discussants: Migrant Smuggling as a ‘Crime’

Photo, audio, Facebook live stream and video recording are foreseen for the purpose of creating awareness and distributing information on the event.