Expert Meeting on European Union Migration Governance

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from: 09:00
to: 18:00

The Migration Policy Centre is involved in the CROSSMIGRATION project. This project, coordinated by Erasmus University, seeks to support knowledge accumulation in the field of migration studies through a collaborative approach. The aim is to create a knowledge hub that brings together existing research on all main aspects of migration.

As part of our contribution to CROSSMIGRATION, the Migration Policy Centre organises an expert meeting to discuss the state of knowledge on EU migration governance in two key areas: asylum and border controls (and the Schengen area), and the external dimension of the EU migration governance.

The event will bring together a small number of scholars, researchers and experts in the field, and is by invitation only.

The objectives of the meeting are to discuss and validate key elements of our state of knowledge report, and to discuss and gather inputs regarding current EU migration debates on asylum policies, Schengen area and the EU migration governance external dimension.

Read the programme here.

Please note that this is a closed meeting and that attendance is by invitation only.